Elon Musk Reinstates Donald Trump’s Twitter Account

Donald Trump’s Twitter account is back. Everyone’s response seems to be “fuck this I’m going to Hive.” A new social media app? Christ we never learn. I even saw people saying “we should return to MySpace.” Didn’t we abandon MySpace because it turned into a pederast hub? I recall How Do Catch A Predator mainly focusing on middle aged men with MySpace profiles telling little girls they were also pre-teens who dug Plain White T’s. Whatever happened to those guys? Did they invest that “Hey There Delilah” money wisely? I’m betting on their record company leaving them under a bridge to play for fentanyl.


The idea of Trump potentially returning to Twitter is imagery I compare to Andrew Dice Clay doing his brand of “controversial” humor in the 90s where he’s still on stage saying “SO SHE SHOWS ME THAT FUCKIN BUSH AND I’M EATIN IT LIKE I’M A STARVIN FUCK ON A FUCKIN BROOKLYN PIZZA AND SHE’S GOING ‘HUH GAH GAH GAH GAH'”, but instead of doing it in Madison Square Garden, he’s got 4 guys in the audience at Chuckles Off Broadway giggling out of sympathy. I’m not sure if this washed up imagery pairs well with Trump because nobody’s allowing him to fade away into complete irrelevancy. Trump is becoming an exhausting retread of the past and judging by this country’s choice in entertainment, that’s exactly who should be representing us. It’s almost perfect. The truly perfect leader would be that Max Headroom replica of Ronald Reagan in the 80s Café from Back To The Future 2. If that thing ran now in a hopeless society consistently looking to the past, it’d be a bigger landslide than Nixon over McGovern. If this fails to be coherent, I’m drinking and quite possibly in a rabid state of psychosis comparable to how Nixon is believed to have concluded every evening. Have you seen Philip Baker Hall act that out for 90 minutes in Secret Honor? Incredible.


The grasp Donald Trump has had over day to day hubbub for years now is exhausting. It’s exhausting because he’s nothing new. Whenever I think about Trump, I’m amazed a country that weathered Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush can feel any anxiety about him. As someone who’s spent the past year strictly watching Star Trek, Donald Trump following Reagan and Bush is reminiscent of that time on Voyager where they said “o fuck we’ve come across a species so deadly, WE GOTTA PARTNER UP WITH THE BORG TO SURVIVE OUR ENCOUNTER WITH THEM!” The Borg was already a Lovecraftian threat that franchise had difficulties living up to, and now you’re gonna tell me there’s something even more sinister? Give me a fucking break. That’s how I feel whenever people hyperventilate about the game show host after Reagan ignored AIDS and Bush got us into a 20 year war.

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This has been my semi-related opinion on Elon Musk resurrecting Donald Trump’s Twitter account. I’m not sure how I got here. About an hour prior I was finishing up reading Orson Scott Card’s Speaker For The Dead, the sequel to Ender’s Game. If you’re considering polluting your life with a new social media app, please pick up those books instead. If you’re saying “I’ll just save time and watch the movie Ender’s Game”, a fuck as hopeless as you might as well sign up for Hive. Perhaps this will be the social app where you finally experience a meaningful connection with the outside world Mr. Gullible.


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2 thoughts on “Elon Musk Reinstates Donald Trump’s Twitter Account

  1. I think the reason people were/are worried about him is because unlike Reagan or Bush, Trump’s stupid enough to do or say the very first thing that comes to mind, no matter how utterly moronic it is. I remember reading somewhere that one of his advisors said “You can’t just threaten to nuke every country that threatens us,” and Trump’s response was “WHY THE FUCK NOT?!?” Let’s face it – it Trump were in Putin’s shoes, Ukraine would be the world’s largest radioactive crater by now.

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    1. Between Reagan, Bush and Trump, I guess it can be tough deciding exactly what the most evil brand is. It’s a toss up. I think Reagan and Bush now seem a little more innocent to many compared to Trump because Reagan and Bush are associated with a past we allegedly weathered and survived. How little we survived and what we didn’t overcome and never will is a horror too unbearable to entertain.


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