Chrissy Teigen Ramble

Chrissy Teigen recently clawed her way back into the news cycle to drop a lengthy apology on Medium. Medium from what I know is a site where anybody can contribute a monetized article. Was her apology monetized? Did she possibly opt out of any financial reward because the discussion around her name was validating enough? Who knows.


No matter your feelings towards our current interpretation of political correctness, Chrissy Teigen is an above average circumstance. Instead of a joke resurfacing, it was revealed Teigen, already an adult at the time, was asking a 16 year old child bride to kill themselves. Teigen was at the time a model who became the face of Sports Illustrated‘s swimsuit division. Apparently that didn’t heal her glaring insecurities.



Since then, Chrissy Teigen has obtained more fame from marrying a famous entertainer and overall being a presence the establishment and their consumers approved of.


Like many celebrities during the past few years, Chrissy Teigen readily contributed to a superficial brand of politics where repeating “Drumpf loves covefefe” was considered a riot against fascism. Some might consider her casual political alignment the thing that resulted in her downfall. Conservative or liberal, you’re fucked when it’s revealed you egged on someone likely being fed drugs by a middle aged statutory rapist to end their life.


Chrissy Teigen’s political façade is fascinating to focus on while she’s being revealed to be a repulsive person. Ever since the downfall of Bill Cosby, probably even before, I’ve always been skeptical of people attempting to curate a squeaky clean public image. Cosby was formerly the icon of political correctness. He despised swearing to a degree that he turned down being interviewed on What The Fuck with Marc Maron given the podcast’s title. If someone’s obsessed with a stern, suffocating idea of morality, odds are they have a variety of skeletons in their closet.


Concluding on Chrissy Teigen’s public political view, I recently listened to Flagrant 2 discuss Chrissy Teigen. One of the hosts, Akaash Singh made a fascinating point that those who’ve made their entire identity despising Trump are probably consumed by rage because they see a piece of themselves in that grotesque con artist. Given Teigen’s previous use of Twitter, this theory checks out.

There’s a variety of feelings I have towards Chrissy Teigen. Naturally I hear Pete Davidson saying it’s great people have stopped caring about her and happily nod in agreement. I also feel bad for the monster because Teigen is clearly a very miserable person. Nothing makes that more apparent than seeing a multi-millionaire whose married with children unable to stop fishing for dopamine on Twitter.


2 thoughts on “Chrissy Teigen Ramble

  1. Yeah, I’d say Chrissy definitely needs therapy. She’s got a good life, and she STILL feels the need to act like she’s a 14-year-old troll?
    BTW, Has anyone checked to see if her apology was plagarized? It’s a real problem on Medium.
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    No joke, a friend of mine had her work stolen, and the prick responsible was low enough to write about her in his article as though she was DEAD.

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    1. Fuck, this is a grift I hadn’t imagined yet…plagiarists on Medium looking for a quick bump in their bank account. It’s always great when you’re blissfully unaware at what new fuckery someone’s concocted lol.


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